sábado, 15 de maio de 2010

What is the real terrorist?

Assalamu alaikum,

Today I want to talk about a much-discussed and controversial issue worldwide, "terrorism", but do we know what is real terrorism ????? And where is he ????? Unfortunately the "terrorism" that we see on TV is just one thing often "manipulated" to propagate the prejudice to a religion. Often what I see and I is what I call the real "terrorism" which is the bias, prejudice can believe if you want to destroy a family.
We live in a world so globalized said that I find unforgivable bias in today's society that has in your hands so many ways to learn and know everything at any part of this planet, then i ask them if we are so globalized so why do we judge something without having real knowledge before?? Why ban a Muslim to use her veil if a nun can use the robe of religion without problems?? is in the veil of Muslim a possibility harm to the society?? The fact that she did not want to expose herself to the eyes of the opposite sex... is something to be considered as attack?? I think not! On the other hand nothing and no one shows the terror that they face and the suffer and so much prejudice against their clothes by being pure and chaste......that's what I consider to terrorism! Why would an innocent, hardworking, pays his taxes respectable family man should suffer prejudice being "entitled" terrorist if he never even hurt an animal?? Well ask them again, this is not considered a form of terrorism?? I assure you that yes, since many innocent Muslims and kind converted to Islam has come under heavy retaliation and bias on the part of people who judge without even reading a book of religion thus making the lives of these people real moments of psychological terrorism, the Psychological violence can be more devastating than physical violence because they leave traces that not even time can not erase.
Through this article I ask that all who do not know about the religion and normally judge without knowledge that try to read books of religion so to better understand and do not make any terrorism with the life of any innocent person, madmen and religious fanatics will find themselves in any religion and country but not generalize a nation or religion because of acts of lunatics who commit acts on its own. Allah (God) does not send anyone to kill, just as it does not tolerate bias because we are all God's creatures.

If you want to know more about religion or exchange information write me muslimdawa@hotmail.com

Peace and blessings of ALLAH (GOD) be with you.

domingo, 2 de maio de 2010

Why do we wear the veil?

Assalamu Alaikum

This post today is designed for those thinking of becoming a muslima nd who do not understand and do not understand the use of the veil so questioned by the outside world.
According to our religion a woman is like a precious thing, pure and which should therefore be preserved for that we cover ourselves, for our beauty is not for anyone looking at our beauty is only for our husband, family and ourselves, use the veil to show that they should respect us because we are not objects as women have been seen in the Western world, a mere object ..... they always try to be the most beautiful even if it costs his life, often mutilate themselves by removing ribs in plastic surgery to try to have a greater exposure to the male gaze but what can actually be just "15 minutes" of fame, and become nothing more than objects.
We use our veil for us to distinguish between the other, our veil is our protection against the world. Many people think that wearing the veil (hijab) means to get ugly, but it is exactly the opposite, we as Muslims have the most silky hair for the veil protects them against aggression and the solar wind, we have a softer skin for the veil is now a sunscreen, we maintain our beauty even under the veil, but on the veil maintain our modesty in the face of society and of Allah (God).
Earlier a woman converts to Islam she may have difficulty in using the veil, but do not be afraid to use it whenever you can and feel good.
Interestingly, recently spoke with non-Muslim boys and 99% of them told me to find the beautiful veil because it gives us an air of mystery, and are delighted with this ....... very opposite of what happens to women who walk in street with Western clothes, are as the sample under the eyes no longer care if they see a woman in a bikini at the bakery, but when they saw a woman with her face covered with the veil are delighted, and above all, respect us a thousand times more than if we did not use the veil.

If you need more information or even want to exchange experiences or ask questions please contact us via e-mail: muslimdawa@hotmail.com

Allah Maak


Assalamu Alaikum

Recently many people know me question me about my faith and about Islam, some people ask out of curiosity, others by fear and some people actually ask for wanting to join the Islamic faith so I made this article to all people who want to know some basic things about Muslims and about Islam.


Islam has existed since the world began, since the beginning of time it was believed in the oneness of Allah (God)

From more than 1400 years ago in Mecca, the holy prophet Muhammad (pbuh) received his first revelation from God through the angel Gabriel. The revelations continued for twenty-three years and are collectively known as the Koran the holy book of Islam.
In Islam we have 5 pillars, the 5 pillars of Islam are the framework of Islamic life. They are: The testimony of faith, prayer, giving zakat, fasting during the month of Ramadan and pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime for those who are able.

1 - Testimony of Faith:
The testimony of faith is saying with conviction, "La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadur rasoolu Allah.
This phrase means: "There is no true god (deity) but God (Allah) and Muhammad is the messenger (prophet) of God." In this witness we testimony that God is one and there are no other gods but only God our Lord, because God created the whole universe and all that exists, both in heaven and on earth.

2 - The prayer
We Muslims pray 5 times a day. Each prayer does not take more than a few minutes. Prayer in Islam is a direct link between the worshiper and God and there are no intermediaries between the worshiper and God.

3 - Zakat:
All things belong truly to God, and wealth is therefore held by human beings in trust, the original meaning of the word Zakat is "cleansing" and "growth". Paying Zakat means giving a specified percentage on certain properties to certain classes of needy people.

4 - Ramadan:
Each year in the month of Ramadan all Muslims who are in health fast from dawn to sunset, abstaining from food, drink and sex.

5 - Pilgrimage to Mecca:
The annual pilgrimage called Hajj to Mecca is an obligation once in a lifetime for those with physical and financial.

Every Muslim must respect and follow the 5 pillars, it is no sacrifice or suffering, but our duty for life.

If you want to comment or ask a question about Islam or this article may write me at e-mail: muslimdawa@hotmail.com

Hijabs (veil)

Assalamu Alaikum

Hello everyone today I thought I would share with you a little about the hijab (Islamic veil), I am fashion designer and also Muslim so here I will give tips on the hijab and some clothing. First of all, you should know that the hijab is not to be anything overly flashy or be colored or printed exaggerated because it is our symbol of modesty and hijab is not fashion, so be very careful when choosing your hijab. There are several forms of hijabs, the most common of these is the al amira hijab, is the most comfortable and easy to wear in 90% of the al amira is composed of two parts, a cap and hijab itself. Another very common is also called a hijab Shayla is a long rectangular scarf very confused with exarpe however exarpe is narrower than the hijab, another type of hijab is what we call Turkish hijab, they are actually the square hijabs I personally find it very practical and beautiful this type of hijab.
Many lay people call of the hijab burqa, the sheer lack of knowledge but it is forgivable, the burqa is not necessarily a garment of all Muslim burqa in Afghanistan is known as an indigo blue clothing that covers the body like a cape, covering including the eyes (this is not used by all the Muslims please do not confuse the local culture and religion), in the others countries we use the abaya (long dress covering her arms and legs and not tight on the body) but this is the most common and correct dress.
I have seen many Muslim women are wearing the wrong way and taking it to the next fashion thing is totally wrong, you can continue using your jeans but you should always wear a long blouse to cover your hip, be wary of such overlapping parts as dresses backless blouses on second skin t-shirts, these kinds of dress score very breasts and this is not correct in Islam, you can dress Beautifully without exposing themselves and without wearing clothes that mark your body.
For those who have not got along well with the hijab I'll post a clip with a very practical way to wear the hijab, but if you experience difficulty just look on youtube there you will find a rich choice of clips, but beware of the hijab not all Style meets modesty for which the hijab is intended.
Here's a link to the clip I mentioned above http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHpff8n4hW4

Any doubts about this just write me at e-mail muslimdawa@hotmail.com

Free books about the Islam.

Assalamu Alaikum

To all those who want to learn about Islam, or who just want to know our beliefs, or need more books to increase their knowledge on faith, please send an email to: mohamedshrok@hotmail.com preferably in English stating that you saw this ad and you want to receive books in Portuguese or the language that you wish along with your name and address and receive directly from Egypt books about Islam, it's free, you pay nothing, you only need to send the e-mail. Please this is no joke, write them only if you want to acquire knowledge and information, you need not be a Muslim to receive the books and do not even need to convert, just knowing without commitment.

May Allah bless us.

What is a Muslim.

Assalamu alaikum

Hello everyone, this post I decided to write in response to many questions that people ask me about what is to be Muslim / a.
First to be a Muslim means to be submissive to Allah (God) our Lord and Creator of the universe. A Muslim must respect the laws of Allah and follow his teachings, but many people see Muslims with evil and arrogance as if we were beings from another planet. A Muslim is not only the person making the statement of faith known as the "Shahada", only that it is not enough for us to be called Muslims, we must follow some moral behavior, especially social and religious, the moral behavior are not lying, stealing not cheating, not to mention obscenities, be kept clean and tidy, respect and care for our families, educate our children within the laws of Allah to grow men and women worthy of respect and much more in the social include: making charity, helping others, respect the limits of each one for our rights end where it gets the right of others, not make war, to be fair to the innocent and serious with that spread corruption in the world among others, on the religious center we have to pray 5 times a day with faith and love in our hearts, respect the sunna, respect our holy prophet (saw) and the others, fasting in the month of Ramadan, pay Zakat, when to teach religion to our children and many others.
As you can see there is nothing abnormal or terrorism in a Muslim who follows the true Islam, many people misinterpret religion and makes mistakes like all other religions but should not generalize and think that every Muslim is a fanatic religious killing in the name of Allah. Surely you must be thinking that I am an Arab culture that was born into Islam, and therefore defend the religion is not true, I am Brazilian converted to almost 5 years, born and raised in a culture quite liberal, I have never been in any Arab or Islamic country but still knew how to understand and see the true path of Allah (God), Islam, I would like to have converted well before , because Islam has shown me what is the respect for human beings and respect for women, many people think that the veil is a submission to men and that is something suffered, but it is not true, we are obedient to Allah (God), our veil is our shield and our symbol of modesty, he maintained the respect.
People get carried away by that TV show and confound cultures and traditions of some countries or villages and find that everything is Islam, everything is done in the name of Islam, a woman was harmed in the name of Islam, if someone killed hundreds of people is why he is a Muslim, if a disaster happened is that punishment was because the people was Muslim ........... today I can say the following phrase when i hear such things, "how much ignorance my God", here I quote a part of our holy book Al Qur'an about killing someone,
"who kills a person ... shall be deemed to have killed all humanity, and who to save, is counted as if he saved the whole of humanity. This sentence is in the Al Koran 5:32, now a phrase used by our prophet (saw) " 'No man is a true believer unless he desires for his brother (Muslim) the same for himself.'' (Having said that the Prophet Muhammad Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) "so I wonder how a religion that has these teachings can be called a religion of terrorists ????????
If you want to ask a question or comment on the report or any information you can write me at e-mal: muslimdawa@hotmail.com

May the Peace and blessings of Allah (GOD) be with you!