Assalamu alaikum,
Today I want to talk about a much-discussed and controversial issue worldwide, "terrorism", but do we know what is real terrorism ????? And where is he ????? Unfortunately the "terrorism" that we see on TV is just one thing often "manipulated" to propagate the prejudice to a religion. Often what I see and I is what I call the real "terrorism" which is the bias, prejudice can believe if you want to destroy a family.
We live in a world so globalized said that I find unforgivable bias in today's society that has in your hands so many ways to learn and know everything at any part of this planet, then i ask them if we are so globalized so why do we judge something without having real knowledge before?? Why ban a Muslim to use her veil if a nun can use the robe of religion without problems?? is in the veil of Muslim a possibility harm to the society?? The fact that she did not want to expose herself to the eyes of the opposite sex... is something to be considered as attack?? I think not! On the other hand nothing and no one shows the terror that they face and the suffer and so much prejudice against their clothes by being pure and chaste......that's what I consider to terrorism! Why would an innocent, hardworking, pays his taxes respectable family man should suffer prejudice being "entitled" terrorist if he never even hurt an animal?? Well ask them again, this is not considered a form of terrorism?? I assure you that yes, since many innocent Muslims and kind converted to Islam has come under heavy retaliation and bias on the part of people who judge without even reading a book of religion thus making the lives of these people real moments of psychological terrorism, the Psychological violence can be more devastating than physical violence because they leave traces that not even time can not erase.
Through this article I ask that all who do not know about the religion and normally judge without knowledge that try to read books of religion so to better understand and do not make any terrorism with the life of any innocent person, madmen and religious fanatics will find themselves in any religion and country but not generalize a nation or religion because of acts of lunatics who commit acts on its own. Allah (God) does not send anyone to kill, just as it does not tolerate bias because we are all God's creatures.
If you want to know more about religion or exchange information write me muslimdawa@hotmail.com
Peace and blessings of ALLAH (GOD) be with you.