Assalamu alaikum
Hello everyone, this post I decided to write in response to many questions that people ask me about what is to be Muslim / a.
First to be a Muslim means to be submissive to Allah (God) our Lord and Creator of the universe. A Muslim must respect the laws of Allah and follow his teachings, but many people see Muslims with evil and arrogance as if we were beings from another planet. A Muslim is not only the person making the statement of faith known as the "Shahada", only that it is not enough for us to be called Muslims, we must follow some moral behavior, especially social and religious, the moral behavior are not lying, stealing not cheating, not to mention obscenities, be kept clean and tidy, respect and care for our families, educate our children within the laws of Allah to grow men and women worthy of respect and much more in the social include: making charity, helping others, respect the limits of each one for our rights end where it gets the right of others, not make war, to be fair to the innocent and serious with that spread corruption in the world among others, on the religious center we have to pray 5 times a day with faith and love in our hearts, respect the sunna, respect our holy prophet (saw) and the others, fasting in the month of Ramadan, pay Zakat, when to teach religion to our children and many others.
As you can see there is nothing abnormal or terrorism in a Muslim who follows the true Islam, many people misinterpret religion and makes mistakes like all other religions but should not generalize and think that every Muslim is a fanatic religious killing in the name of Allah. Surely you must be thinking that I am an Arab culture that was born into Islam, and therefore defend the religion is not true, I am Brazilian converted to almost 5 years, born and raised in a culture quite liberal, I have never been in any Arab or Islamic country but still knew how to understand and see the true path of Allah (God), Islam, I would like to have converted well before , because Islam has shown me what is the respect for human beings and respect for women, many people think that the veil is a submission to men and that is something suffered, but it is not true, we are obedient to Allah (God), our veil is our shield and our symbol of modesty, he maintained the respect.
People get carried away by that TV show and confound cultures and traditions of some countries or villages and find that everything is Islam, everything is done in the name of Islam, a woman was harmed in the name of Islam, if someone killed hundreds of people is why he is a Muslim, if a disaster happened is that punishment was because the people was Muslim ........... today I can say the following phrase when i hear such things, "how much ignorance my God", here I quote a part of our holy book Al Qur'an about killing someone, "who kills a person ... shall be deemed to have killed all humanity, and who to save, is counted as if he saved the whole of humanity. This sentence is in the Al Koran 5:32, now a phrase used by our prophet (saw) " 'No man is a true believer unless he desires for his brother (Muslim) the same for himself.'' (Having said that the Prophet Muhammad Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) "so I wonder how a religion that has these teachings can be called a religion of terrorists ????????
If you want to ask a question or comment on the report or any information you can write me at e-mal: muslimdawa@hotmail.com
May the Peace and blessings of Allah (GOD) be with you!
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