Assalamu Alaikum
This post today is designed for those thinking of becoming a muslima nd who do not understand and do not understand the use of the veil so questioned by the outside world.
According to our religion a woman is like a precious thing, pure and which should therefore be preserved for that we cover ourselves, for our beauty is not for anyone looking at our beauty is only for our husband, family and ourselves, use the veil to show that they should respect us because we are not objects as women have been seen in the Western world, a mere object ..... they always try to be the most beautiful even if it costs his life, often mutilate themselves by removing ribs in plastic surgery to try to have a greater exposure to the male gaze but what can actually be just "15 minutes" of fame, and become nothing more than objects.
We use our veil for us to distinguish between the other, our veil is our protection against the world. Many people think that wearing the veil (hijab) means to get ugly, but it is exactly the opposite, we as Muslims have the most silky hair for the veil protects them against aggression and the solar wind, we have a softer skin for the veil is now a sunscreen, we maintain our beauty even under the veil, but on the veil maintain our modesty in the face of society and of Allah (God).
Earlier a woman converts to Islam she may have difficulty in using the veil, but do not be afraid to use it whenever you can and feel good.
Interestingly, recently spoke with non-Muslim boys and 99% of them told me to find the beautiful veil because it gives us an air of mystery, and are delighted with this ....... very opposite of what happens to women who walk in street with Western clothes, are as the sample under the eyes no longer care if they see a woman in a bikini at the bakery, but when they saw a woman with her face covered with the veil are delighted, and above all, respect us a thousand times more than if we did not use the veil.
If you need more information or even want to exchange experiences or ask questions please contact us via e-mail: muslimdawa@hotmail.com
Allah Maak
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