Assalamu Alaikum
Hello everyone today I thought I would share with you a little about the hijab (Islamic veil), I am fashion designer and also Muslim so here I will give tips on the hijab and some clothing. First of all, you should know that the hijab is not to be anything overly flashy or be colored or printed exaggerated because it is our symbol of modesty and hijab is not fashion, so be very careful when choosing your hijab. There are several forms of hijabs, the most common of these is the al amira hijab, is the most comfortable and easy to wear in 90% of the al amira is composed of two parts, a cap and hijab itself. Another very common is also called a hijab Shayla is a long rectangular scarf very confused with exarpe however exarpe is narrower than the hijab, another type of hijab is what we call Turkish hijab, they are actually the square hijabs I personally find it very practical and beautiful this type of hijab.
Many lay people call of the hijab burqa, the sheer lack of knowledge but it is forgivable, the burqa is not necessarily a garment of all Muslim burqa in Afghanistan is known as an indigo blue clothing that covers the body like a cape, covering including the eyes (this is not used by all the Muslims please do not confuse the local culture and religion), in the others countries we use the abaya (long dress covering her arms and legs and not tight on the body) but this is the most common and correct dress.
I have seen many Muslim women are wearing the wrong way and taking it to the next fashion thing is totally wrong, you can continue using your jeans but you should always wear a long blouse to cover your hip, be wary of such overlapping parts as dresses backless blouses on second skin t-shirts, these kinds of dress score very breasts and this is not correct in Islam, you can dress Beautifully without exposing themselves and without wearing clothes that mark your body.
For those who have not got along well with the hijab I'll post a clip with a very practical way to wear the hijab, but if you experience difficulty just look on youtube there you will find a rich choice of clips, but beware of the hijab not all Style meets modesty for which the hijab is intended.
Here's a link to the clip I mentioned above http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHpff8n4hW4
Any doubts about this just write me at e-mail muslimdawa@hotmail.com
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